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By: Gabriel Roderick |
Intercontinental Championship Match:
-Wade Barrett (c) vs. The Miz
Snooki shows up and Miz calls her a Milf (Mother I’d Like To
Friend) ha.
Miz promises to take the one thing that makes Barrett
relevant, the IC title.
All three join in a really moment.
Miz starts things with a quick roll through only gets 2.
Barrett counters with some hard striking, goes for a count and only gets 2.
Barrett starts he strikes but Miz counters with a huge big boot.
Miz picks things up with a clothesline and
backbreaker/neckbreaker combo. Miz goes for Skull Crushing finale and gets
countered into Winds of Change! 2 count!
Barrett goes for bull hammer, Miz counters into Figured
Four.Crowd goes wild, but Barrett gets to the ropes. And hits a Wasteland on
Miz for a two count!
Miz with a unique counter into Figured Four…BARRETT TAPS!!!
Miz wins.
Winner: Miz new Intercontinental Champion
Main Show:-Randy Orton, Sheamus &Big Show vs. The Shield
We kick it off with; it pays homage to the victims of Hurricane
Sandy seeing as much of New Jersey was damage.
First match is the 6-man tag match. Sheamus, to cheering,
Orton to screaming now Big Show. All cheered for first two men then got silent
for the Big Show.
Of course the Shield still refuses to use the actually
entrance ramp, they come through the crowd.
Sheamus and Reigns start off battling with strikes and
power. Reign’s tries to out power Sheamus but Sheamus destroy him and tags in
Orton. Orton does his typical
stomps on Reigns both men tag out. Now Rollins is in and takes down Sheamus’
knees. Now Ambrose comes in and is powerslamed by Sheamus. Big Show is now
chopping Ambrose. Ambrose counters with a knee strike. Rollins hits a flying
knee to Big Show’s head for a two count. All three men are attacking Big Show,
Ambrose has taken his vest off fyi.
Big Show is able to break away, and tags in Sheamus who
attacks Rollins. Sheamus opens Rollins’ vest and starts his clobbering to his
chest. Rollins tags in Ambrose who suffers the same fate. Then a double rolling
senton on both men.
All three men prepare for the power bomb on Sheamus but Big
Show spears Reigns taken out the entire Shield. Sheamus is crawling towards Big
Show for a tag. But Orton reaches over and forces a tag. Then sets up his
hanging DDT. The Viper is setting up and RKO’s Rollins, but is then speared by
Reigns. Ambrose goes for the cover on Orton for the 1, 2, 3. Big Show didn’t
help due to the tag earlier.
Winners: The
Orton looks mad about Big Show not helping and slaps him, then Big Show KO punches both Orton and Sheamus.
-Ryback vs. Mark Henry
We go to yet ANOTHER promo of Cena’s life sucking because he
lost to Rock last year.
People are actually cheering Henry, will he be able to enter
Ryback in the Hall Of Pain?
FEED ME MORE chants erupt the area. They run at each other and nothing
happens. Run at each other again, but nothing. Then they start hitting each
other with shots to the head. Henry drops Ryback with a clothesline. Henry
power slams Ryback like nothing. Then begins the beatdown. Henry counters a
suplex by Ryback and slams him on the ropes then into the ring post.
Henry has Ryback in a bear hug. Henry cloesthlines Ryback
over the top rope and shouts, “THAT’S WHAT I DO”. Ryback makes it in at 9, to a
kick by Henry. Ryback starts a come back with some clothesines then a Meat Hook
clothesline. Ryback picks up Henry for Shellshock but drops on top of Ryback.
Goes for a pin and gets the 3 count!
Winner: Mark Henry
Trainers come out to help Ryback who is now back to his
feet, who then spinebusters Mark Henry and goes for the Shellshock, but hurts
himself in the process.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match:
-Team Hell No, Kane and Daniel Bryan (c's) vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston
WWE will be apart of the Special Olympics in 2014. Then the
team of the Special Olympics of USA, Stephanie McMahon and Governor of New
Jersey stand at the stage.
Now Tag Team title match. Ziggler and Big E come out
together to a mixed reaction, Ziggler also has the brief case in his hand.
Team Hell no with their usual entrance, DB and Ziggler start
things off, DB head kciks him after Ziggler kisses AJ and gets a 2 count.
Almost like DB’s lose last year. DB hits the suicide dive then starts kicking
Ziggler who ducks and tags in Big E. Kane wants in, Big E catches Kane in mid
arm and drives his knee into Kane’s ribs three times. Kane counters with a big
boot and goes for the chokeslam. Big E powers out and clotheslines Kane.
Ziggler is in and beating down Kane with a huge dropkick.
Now Big E starts the beat down on Kane, who counters with huge DDT. Ziggler
gets tagged in and Kane hits him with a corner splash then side walk slam. Kane
misses a flying clothesline and Ziggler hits DDT. Ziggler then dropkicks DB and
goes to the top but Kane counters with an upper cut. Big E comes in and Kane
throws him over the top rop, where DB meets him with a big knee.
Ziggler hits the Zig Zag, but only gets two. Ziggler calls
for the brief case, but misses and eats a big boot, then a chokeslam. DB tags
in and hits a headbutt for the 1, 2, 3,.
Winners: Team Hell No
(Daniel Bryan and Kane) still tag team champions.
They celebrate to a "YES" chant throughout Metlife Stadium.
-Chris Jericho vs. Fandango
We have many dancing girls in purple dresses to Fandango’s
theme song.
Fandango makes his way to the ring with little to no
audience noise the stage explodes for Y2J, then the fireworks as he makes his
way to the ring.
Fandango dances around the ring, to a huge BOO. Y2J takes
him known and beings the assault with the chops, Fandango escapes to the
outside but gets speared.
Y2J nails the code breaker but gets blasted out of the ring;
Y2J flies to the outside and takes out Fandango. Y2J continues to beat Fandango until he counters a flying
dropkick with a flying kick. Now Fandango starts beating Y2J, Y2J comeback with
a kick to the back of the head for a two count. Y2J is bleeding from the head.
Y2J hits another flying cross body on Fandango for a two
count. Fandango throws Y2J into the ring post shoulder first. Then hits a face
driver move kind of like the mic check on Y2J. Fandango goes up top for a leg
drop but only gets 2. Y2J is back at it, and gets him in the walls. Fandango
goes up top again but Y2J throws him off.
Y2J sets up Fandango for a superplex but he counters then
misses yet another leg drop. Then Y2J went for the lionsault but misses and
tweaks his knee. Y2J then goes for the walls again, but Fandango counters into
a small package for the 1, 2, 3.
Winner: Fandango
We go back to Miz’s impressive win on Wade Barrett earlier
for the IC title.
Once again we are reminded of the main event, Rock vs Cena
We see a package on the screen of a bunch of Wrestlemania
moments by past stars. All to bring out P. Diddy!
Diddy gives a shout out to the crowd; Diddy brings out some
old tunes.
All his songs lead into “I’m Coming Home”. Dedicated to the
Sandy Victims.
Amazing performance! Arena explodes at the end with fire
works, and Diddy is named as WWE’s Global Ambassador for Anti-Bullying.
A Sweet package of Swagger's America with Zeb Colter and then Del Rio's America promo!
-Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Jack Swagger with Zeb Colter
They completely skipped Swagger’s entrance so they could cut
a promo. They apparently entered in ATV.
This is a great Zeb promo, talking about how New York and
New Jersey went downhill for the “illegal’s”. It ends with a great WE THE
Here comes Ricardo to introduce Del Rio. Del Rio comes out
dressed up like Rocky with a huge Mexican flag explosion.
Starts off with a even exchange of kicks and punches. Del Rio
flies between the ropes and attacks Swagger outside. Zeb provides a distraction
so Swagger can start destroying Del Rio. Del Rio goes for a cross pin for a two
count then eats a big boot! Swagger hits the Swagger Bomb for another two
Del Rio drives Swagger’s shoulder into the post then starts
his offense. But Swagger proves to
powerful, Del Rio kicks Swagger in the head, then tilt a world back breaker on
Del Rio starts a SI chant, but Swagger takes out the knee of
Del Rio and goes for the Patriot Lock, but is countered and misses another
Swagger Bomb, Del Rio takes it to Swagger’s ribs and hits him with a
backstabber. Del Rio get’s the two count, then they start actually wrestling
and Del Rio hits him with a German suplex.
Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm breaker but counters it into
the Gut wretch bomb, only a two count. Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock again,
Swagger counters an ankle breaker into an arm breaker. Swagger reverses into
another Patriot Lock, BUT Del Rio makes it to the ropes.
Del Rio hits a kick to Swagger’s head, and hits another kick
to head and goes for the count, but Zeb put’s Swagger’s foot on the rope. Zeb
then attacks Ricardo, Del Rio goes after him with a crutch, but Swagger gets
him from behind.
Del Rio waits for Swagger and hits the cross arm breaker! Swagger
taps out!
Winner: Alberto Del
Rio still World Heavyweight Champion
-The Undertaker vs. CM Punk
Cut to a promo for the short feud between Cm Punk and
We see the tactics Punk has used over the past few weeks to
get into Undertaker’s head.
Living Colour comes out playing Cm Punk’s Theme Song, “Cult
of Personality”
They still got it all these years later! Punk is rocking a
new shirt showing him as a God on it.
Undertaker comes out to the fire and darkness, and showing
souls reach for me. That’s new. As Undertaker slowly I mean slowly makes his
way to the ring, Punk is smirking.
Undertaker goes right after Punk but misses and gets
slapped. Punk takes it to Taker with the shots, to a mix chant for Punk. Taker
goes for the chokeslam, but then we see the kicks, which are then countered by Undertakers
boot. Taker takes Punk to the announce table and beats him down. Taker drives
Punk back first into the ring post then sets up for the leg drop across Punk’s
Taker brings Punk in and starts the right hands. Taker goes
after the arms setting up for old school!
Crowd loves it! Punk counters old school with an arm drag,
and starts the knees and elbows. Punk goes up top for old school and delivers
it! Punk goes for the count but only gets a 2. Undertaker charges at Punk but
misses and goes knee first on the rope.
Punk goes to the top rope and hits a flying move to taker.
Punk hits a huge neck breaker on Taker for a two count. Taker fights back with
right hands but Punk counters into another neck breaker. Mixed chants fill the
ring! Undertaker hits a suplex on Punk. Punk goes for old school again! But
this time, he slips and lands on his you know what area. Undertaker goes to fly
but grabs Paul Heyman by the throat and Cm Punk hits a flying forearm.
Cm Punk hits the elbow drop for a 2 count! Almost had it! Cm
Punk signals for GTS, but Taker counters into a Chokeslam all the way to Hell,
but Punk kicks out at 2. They both battle in the ring a slugfest, and Taker
wins. Taker throws him into the turnbuckle and goes for Snake Eyes and Punk
counters with a calf kick! 1..2.. Streak is still Alive!
Punk clotheslines Taker to the outside, Taker head butts
Punk and goes for a Last Ride through the announce table. But Punk counters
with a head kick, Punk goes up to the top rop AND hits the elbow drop to Taker
on the announce table BUT it doesn’t break!
Punk makes it back into the ring but is favoring his knee.
Taker makes it back in at 9! Undertaker gets Punk into Hell’s Gate, Punk uses
the ropes and counters into a two count, but gets Taker in the vice. Undertaker
does his sit up, and grabs Cm Punk’s throat but misses a Chokeslam, then goes
for GTS but Taker gets up and puts Punk into a Tombstone 1..2.. PUNK Kick’s
out! Ref goes down! Punk takes advantage with a spin kick to the gut then hits
the running knee. Which Taker counters into a Last Ride but Punk hits Taker
with the urn. 1…2. Taker Kicks OUT! Taker counters another GTS into a Tombstone
but that’s countered into GTS, which is countered again into a Tombstone. Taker
pins Punk 1..2..3
Winner: The
Undertaker takes back the urn, Punk stole from him. And does his old Taker pose in front of the urn. The stage explodes with the sign 21-0.
Holds Barred Match with Triple H's Career On The Line:
-Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
Yet another Cena Rock promo except this one is focused on
Cena.. The first was focused on Rock, with a MGK song, pretty nice look back on
his career.
Now another Triple H Lesnar Promo. The same one they showed
doing the pre show 4 times.
First HBK makes his way to the ring! Now Brock Lesnar in his
mma gear still. When Lesnar jumps up the arena explodes with fire works! Lights go out and now we have some
skull type thing entrance that Triple H walks through.
Starts off like a UFC match, both end up outside with Triple
J throwing Lesnar into the barrier. Then off the announce table. Lesnar drives
Triple H into the ring then throws him over the barrier. Then go back into the
ring and Triple H hits the high knee. Lesnar counters with a huge belly to
belly on the floor! He then suplexs Triple H through a table! Then another
belly to belly over the broken table this time. Lesnar goes for a beat down then goes for a count but gets
Triple H fights back but gets thrown again! Lesnar flings
Triple H so hard into the turnbuckle he follows to the outside. HBK distracts
Lesnar and Triple comes back with some clotheslines outside. Triple H takes a
steel chair to Lesnar’s back!
Lesnar hits another German suplex and goes for the pin but
gets 2. Lesnar then punches HBK and knocking him down. But Lesnar turns around
into a spinebuster from the Game. Pedigree countered into a F5, but HBK goes
for Sweet chin Music and countered into a F5. But Triple H hits the Pedigree on
Lesnar for a 2 count.
Triple goes for a sledgehammer but Lesnar counters into a
F5. 1..2..Triple H is still alive! Lesnar now takes the chain to Triple H and
slams him into the steel steps. Lesnar then rams the steps INTO Triple H’s
face! Then throws the steps into the ring. Then rams the steps into Triple H’s shoulder in the ring.
Lesnar gets a two count!
Triple H slaps Lesnar in the face and gets up and brings the
punches back! Goes for the Pedigree but it’s countered into the Kimora Lock!
The crowd chants break his arm! Lesnar uses the top rope so he can lock his
legs around Triple H. But Triple H lifts Lesnar and slams him! Triple H gives
Lesnar the “Suck it” sign and kicks Lesnar with a low blow! Then slams Lesnar’s
arm against the ring post and hits Lesnar’s arm against the post with a CHAIR! Then
against the STEPS! Now Triple H puts Lesnar in the Kimora Lock, Heyman goes in
for help but gets the Sweet Chin Music by HBK!
Lesnar powers up with Triple H and slams on the steps! But
Triple H puts the hold back on! And Lesnar slams him again on the steps, but
AGAIN Triple H puts the hold on him, but this time Triple H DDT him on the
steps. Triple H goes for the hammer again, and nails Lesnar in the head! Triple
H does his famous pose and goes for a Pedigree on the steps.1..2…3
Winner: Triple H
-Brodus Clay, Tensai & The
Funkadactyls vs. Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins
I guess we're skipping this match?
We cut to a promo of Sheamus for Extreme Rules this May 19th!
Now Pain and Gain trailer for the Rock’s new movie, also
featuring Kurt Angle.
Now a recap of the Hall Of Fame 2013 last night; Mick
Foley’s featured, Trish Stratus ( she’s pregnant), Bob Backlund, Booker T (did
a spinaroni), Donald Trump (who challenged Vince McMahon at WM XXX) , and Bruno
The WWE Hall of Fame Class 2013 comes out and is introduced
through the Scripts, “Standing in the Hall of Fame” featuring, Will.I.AM
Donald Trump is greatly booed! Everyone else is cheered
except Bruno who they scream for!
Now a preview of Wrestlemania 30 set in New Orleans April 6th,
Attendance record set of 80,676 people!
Championship Match:
-The Rock (c) vs. John Cena
Cena comes out now to mostly boo’s, no special Wrestlemania
entrance like normal! Next is Rock to a huge reaction from the crowd!
Starts off with Cena out wrestling Rock. They lock up again
and Rock’s got Cena in a headlock. Now arm drags by Cena, who goes to the
outside and gets booed. Cena starts taking it to Rock with shots and Irish
whips. Rock counters with his own right hands! They go back to wrestling each
other, and Cena puts Rock in a headlock! Rock fights out with his typical
punching and puts Cena in a sleeper hold. Cena breaks out and starts stomping
on Rock. Rock hits Cena with a
Samoan Drop neither man can get back up right away.
Both stand up and start brawling, Cena hits a suplex on Rock
and gets another 2 count. Cena goes for the flying tackle but misses them, Cena
counters Rock’s Punches for STF but countered in Spinbuster that Cena counters
into Shoulder Tackle many more counters that end up in the Sharp Shooter!
Cena goes his normal power slam and gets ready for the “You
Can’t See Me” but misses and Rock hits the DDT. Rock Stalks Cena for the
Rockbottom but Cena counters into the STF. Rock gets the rope but Cena
springboards Rock into the turnbuckle and again goes for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle
and now Cena stalks Rock for the AA. Rock fights out and hits Spinbuster.
People’s Elbow countered into the STF again! Rock somehow
powers out, “Let’s Go Cena, Cena Sucks” chants erupt. Rock hits Rockbottom but
Cena kicks out at 2. Cena hits the AA 1…2. Rock kicks out!
Cena goes up top for the Leg Drop BUT misses and Rock hits
ANOTHER spinebuster and hits the People’s Elbow, but Cena kicks out at 2. Cena
rolls out of the ring.
Rock and Cena start battling again with strikes, Rock goes
for a cross body but Cena counters into AA that is countered into a Rockbottom
and Cena kicks out again! Rock sizes up Cena again but instead does the “You
Can’t See me” Cena gets up and hits the AA..1…2 ROCK KICKS OUT!
Men crawl to their feet, and they brawl again, Cena rolls up
Rock for a two count. Then hits Rock with the Rockbottom and only gets a 2.
Cena this time sizes up Rock for the People’s Elbow…
Rock was waiting but Cena saw it coming and Rock hits a 3rd
Rockbottom1…2. CENA survives! Rock goes for a fourth but countered into an AA
then countered into a fifth but countered again, finally broken up with DDT.
Rock is stalking Cena but he counters in the AA for the 1…2…3!
CENA wins!
Winner: John Cena the
new WWE Champion (11 times)
Cena and Rock shake hands and they hug in the ring! Cena gets the crowd to cheer for Rock then leaves. Rock stands alone in the ring looking disappointed! But the crowd is still cheering him!
At the top of the stage the two men raise each other's hands as the stage explodes with fireworks and explosions and ends with Cena screaming "The Champ is HERE"
Start the POST Wrestlemania 29 DISCUSSION now @
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