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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Review: "Django Unchained" (2012) The "D" May Be Silent, However The "E" In Epic Is Not!

Tre Calvin had the honor of seeing this movie twice and writing his thoughts on the movie. Seeing this movie one could say that Tarantino hits every letter with the title of the movie! Calling it "Django Unleashed" as well would still get the point across!

"Django Unchained" is the latest of the Quentin Tarantino films, a western set a few years before the Civil War.

Django "Freeman" (played by Jamie Foxx) and his companion Dr king Schultz (played by Christoph waltz) join forces to rescue Django's wife from a wealthy plantation owner, Calvin Candie (played by Leonardo DiCaprio). In is one of DiCaprio's best roles of all time!

 Jamie foxx's portrayal of a slave made bounty hunter is everything you want. Starting from a slave and transitioning into a full fledged cowboy with nothing less than half smirks and gun-play included.

 Dr Schultz is such an awesome and witty character that I sincerely could have seen a movie about him alone and still would have raved! He adds his own twist of humor and wit to the journey, and puts prospective into seemingly everything.

Calvin Candie, or Monsieur Candie as he's called, is perfectly portrayed as a handsome, charming and evil plantation owner. Aside from Tom Hardy's role of Bane in the "Dark Knight Rises" (2012) I can't recall a villain I've seen recently I hate more.

 Lastly of our main cast is Stephen, (played by Samuel L. Jackson) the head house Slave of the Candie plantation. Stephen is senile, vulgar and hilarious, an excellent addition to an already heavy weight cast. And course it's Samuel L. Jackson who can turn lead into gold just by looking at it!

The directing of this movie was incredible, everything I've grown to expect of Quentin Tarantino films. The script was very clear and understandable, and the personality of all of the characters was very easy to understand and enjoy. The gore scenes were well...gory (later explained to me that props were used instead of digital effects) which was sweet. The actual filming sets they used were beautiful and well assembled.

The only real "complaint" I had is I didn't exactly love the music chosen for some scenes. Just didn't really scream badass bounty hunter that the characters portrayed to me.

Greatest Reviews gives "Django Unchained" (2012) 5 stars out of 5. If you haven't seen Django unchained yet I highly recommend it, the movie is easily one of the better films that came out in 2012 and its worth every cent spent to see.

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