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What's up Honest Gleeks, it is time for yet another review of Glee.
Wait, Glee is over for the season.
Because it is time to review the top ten songs from season four.
I hope everyone out there in the honest community is ready, because it is time for a countdown.
Number 10. Teenage Dream (Acoustic) by Katy Perry sung by Blaine from episode 4 The Break Up
Blaine (Darren Criss) visit Rachael (Lea Michelle) and Kurt (Chris Colfer) in New York. At a karaoke bar he sings a saddened version of the song that leads to a walk in the park where Blaine admits to cheating on Kurt ending the match made in obvious heaven between the gay couple.
A blessing because it adds conflict to a couple that is far too obvious. The only two homosexual main characters being together and so utterly, hopelessly in love was too easy for the writers to do. The only thing to do was create a season long plot of Blaine trying to get back together with Kurt including them hooking up several times and ending with the cliffhanger of Blaine holding an engagement ring behind him as the team wins at regionals.
Number 9. Heroes by Davie Bowie sung by Blaine and Sam from episode 7 Dynamic Duos
This song earns brownie points with me for being a surprisingly awesome song sung during a rather pointless episode with no reason behind it at all other than to have a superhero themed episode because superheroes are everywhere. This is one of the songs that made plot wise sense for Sam (Chord Overstreet) and Blaine to become best friends. Mostly because they sing awesome together. Oh yeah, Blaine had developed a crush on Sam.
Number 8. Locked out of Heaven by Bruno Mars sung by Marley, Unique, Tina, Sugar, and Brittany from episode 11 Sadie-Hawkins
I love gender bender covers and I love this song. One of my favorite songs sung by Marley (Melissa Benoist) that really shows this new girl can sing. Very little plot relevance to this song other than it is awesome. I do kind of wish they would of turned this into a more meaningful romance moment song but what can you do, this was just good music to me.
Number 7. Never Say Never by The Fray sung by Jake from episode 1 The New Rachael
Holy hot stuff. Wait hold on that is not my line. We meet Puck's little brother Jake (Jacob Artist). This guy can sing. But this guy is not the new Puck. He is much closer to the new Finn rather than Jake. He is really good at singing, especially at singing my favorite Fray song. It is really too bad they did not let him finish. Although, if they did I suppose we would not have seen Jake has some anger issues to work out. Which he does in like three episodes. But regardless it makes the cut despite being cut off.
Number 6. Hall of Fame by the Script (Feat. Will I. Am) sung by Jake, Ryder, Sam, Joe, and Artie from episode 22 All or Nothing
Spoiler warning. New Directions kick ass. The team opens with Hall of Fame almost as a way to rub it in everyone's face that as long as Marley didn't pass out again that The New Directions would win at regionals. I still wish they would of lost but we can't always get what we want. The new cast combining with the old cast may just win at nationals come season five. Let's hope they make it to the Hall of Fame again.
Number 5. Bye Bye Bye/I Want it that Way by N'Sync/The Backstreet Boys sung by Finn and Will sung episode 16 Feud.
Why didn't they do this in the 90's? Will (Matthew Morrison) totally wins this battle but it still blew me away. As a shameless fan of both bands I am glad they did what I was thinking. The choreography was spot on using the strings everyone thinks about when Bye Bye Bye comes on. This whole scene was made possible by Finn (Cory Monteith) having a lapse in judgment several episodes ago kissing Emma and possibly ruining Will's wedding. It is a little surprising that the two ever make up at all. Oh they haven't really yet because Finn's actor went into rehab toward directing the last episodes. Maybe next season!
Number 4. The Longest Time by Billy Joel sung by Artie, Kitty, Sam, Marley, Ryder, and Jake from episode 20 Lights Out.
I waited the longest time for Glee to cover The Longest Time. Man I sure do love bad puns. A fun episode, Lights out was all about acoustic performances. The cast sings with minimal assistance singing Billy Joel's song. This is another song that shows the newcomers of The New Directions know what they are doing. A lot of shows try to replace the old characters with similar ones as the cast grows up and parts, but Glee subtly did it. Some characters are quite obvious about who they are replacing but they obviously make it so that the characters are really their own beings.
Phew. Almost done. Number 3. Creep by Radiohead sung by Rachael and Brody from episode 17 Guilty Pleasures.
Rachael and Brody's goodbye song. Rachael's boyfriend for the season Brody (Dean Geyer) has had a secret this whole season. He is a jiggalo in order to pay for his college tuition at NYADA. He has been hiding it from everyone, sleeping with old rich women for cash. Probably not a bad job except for all the STDs and wrinkles and the fact that he is cheating on Lea Michelle. Dude is tripping stupid. Ignoring all that, this song has the two sing a duet about how their relationship ended terribly, but if they both put more into it something truly special could have come out of it.
Number 2. Your Song by Elton John sung by Ryder from episode 18 Shooting Star.
This whole scene is adorable. It is really too bad it ended so badly. Ryder (Blake Jenner) sings this song to confess his love to the girl he thinks is the girl he has been talking to online. Totally embarrassing when he finds out is is not her. It drags on a half season long plot (at least it felt that way to me) about us finding out who is Ryder's secret admirer. We find out several episodes later that it is Wade AKA Unique (Alex Newell) the boy who wants to be a girl singer of The New Directions is the one who has had feelings from Ryder the whole time. Despite it being the only obvious choice I really wish they did not go this route with it. I think they damaged up having Ryder get with someone who fits his character more like Kitty or Marley for example trying to create this plotline.
The last one. And it is a good one. Although probably obvious.
Number 1. Don't Stop Believing by Journey sung by Rachael from episode 19 Sweet Dreams.
Holy gleek nostalgia Batman. Rachael sings Don't Stop Believing for the third time in Glee's incarnation for her first audition on broadway. It motivates her to continue on. I love how they use similar scenes to the first episode when they first did the song, with the original members singing behind her. Finn had one last awesome scene before his actor went into rehab. Telling Rachael to do this song.
My top ten songs for Glee season 4. Hope you enjoy out there Honest readers. I sure did. Until season 5, remember to be yourself and blast loud music.
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