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By: Gabriel Roderick |
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So with E3 only a few short days away, I figured it was time to tell you what I wanted for Christmas...I mean E3 this year!
So I'll go now each system and tell you what I want in terms of games from the respective companies and why?
To bad you're reading the article this far, might as well keep reading!
From the folks at Microsoft!
Xbox 360, I'm excited to see a Witcher 3, which was announced months ago, but Witcher 2 was so much fun on the 360, I hope the sequel is on current gen! Witcher is one of those PC games that was meant for console!!
Xbox One, I'd love to see more on this Quantum Break which is made by Remedy Entertainment who also brought us Alan Wake, a reason to own a Xbox 360. SO are seeing the quick trailer at Microsoft's unveiling, I'm hoping to see more. The teaser can be seen below!
Now for Nintendo I expect them to shift into 5th gear on this one!
For the Wii U, you probably think I'm going to ask for Zelda but NOPE I want to see more on Wonderful 101. To me it looks like Nintendo craziness and Viewtiful Joe all rolled up into epic game.
Check out Nintendo's teaser trailer:
Now for their 3DS it's simple Pokemon X and Y. I want to know everything about this game and why it should be on the 3DS. Don't get me wrong it's about time seeing as the 3DS has been out for about 2 years, and to me Black and White 2 where awful. I want the best Pokemon adventure with all new pokemon, as long as I can get Sandshrew an can use him in 3D everything will be okay!
Maybe if Nintendo was smart they'd make a game like Pokemon Z for Wii U that can port you're games over from a 3DS kind of like Pokemon Battle Revolution BUT BETTER! We have the technology so let's use it. The 3DS is compatible of being a second controller.
Finally we have Sony, who is also like Microsoft revealing a new console.
I bet you can't guess what Playstation 3 game I'm excited for!
Both main characters were in Marvel movies, one playing a villain the other played a hero.
Give up? I'm pumped for Beyond: Two Souls!
This game is coming from Quanitc Dreams, the wonderful creators of Heavy Rain, and now that they're using a 100% of their physics engine, this will be the most beautiful game of all time.
**Borrowed From Sony**
Now for they're new console the Playstation 4, many games have caught my eye.
But most recently the game Knack, which will be a Sony exclusive. It's essentially a next gen Little Big Planet but with touches of Crash Bandicoot, God of War and Katamari games all rolled into epicness. I can't wait to play it. From the trailers I've seen it also looks a lot like Incredible Hulk!
Now you know what I'm excited for!
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By: Nevill Adeyeye |
Nevill told us, "with 2 hot new consoles coming out and Nintendo doing things a little different this year my fellow gamers and myself at Our Honest View are pretty excited for all the coverage and new to be coming out in the following week or so. I'm here today to talk about 4 of my most excited games that are going to be shown at E3 this year.
1: Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Kojima got my pants very tight with the Phantom Pain trailer he put out not to long ago, which made me go back and pick up a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4. After putting about 7 hours into it got stale and boring, but the Phantom Pain brought all that back. Especially now that Kiefer Sutherland is rumored to be playing..SNAKE
2: Dragon Age III Inquisition: Bio-wares Short comings with Dragons Age 2 puts their backs to the wall, and with Mass Effect 3 not being the total package most people wanted I fell like Bio-Ware is going to come out of the gate swing and HOPEFULLY show some gameplay or something for the next gen.
3: Beyond Two Souls: SO this game is being made by Quantic Dream............. They made Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain........... NUFFF SAID!!!! Well Gabe already said everything else!
4: New Final Fantasy Title: I could really get into the FF 13 series, but not matter what I will always have faith in Square Enix to bring me something that I can get my teeth into hopefully they deliver."
After speaking with Nevill, I turned my attention to talking with Adam Zimmerman, the video game ninja. He seems to be the most neutral to every video game and has the most experience playing!
He had this to say, "If I were to list everything I wanted
to see at this years E3, it would take til after
E3 was finished to read
the entire list. So to save everyone a lot of time, I’ll keep it a
little broad.
From Nintendo, even though they aren’t doing a traditional press conference like Sony or Microsoft, I still want to see a strong showing from them. They have already showed off their “new” hardware with the WiiU and 3DS XL. I don’t want to see them announce another 8 colors for the 3DS or something stupid like that.
"I also don’t want to see them focus on new services or features. All I want from them is for them to address their biggest issue from the last 3 home console generations, which has been a lack of games. Yes they have had their great first party games, but can any of you remember the last great game on a Nintendo console that wasn’t made by Nintendo? Resident Evil maybe? Heck, I would go all the way back to Eternal Darkness. They need games, and lots of them. Of course I’d like to see new titles in their core franchises like Mario, Mario Party, Zelda, etc. I’d also love to see an Animal Crossing game for the WiiU that worked with the upcoming Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the 3DS (check out the review for this game within the next couple of days). Beyond those titles though, I want, and they need, some exclusive new franchise that can compete with the Halo’s, Gears of War’s, and God of War’s of the world. I’m not saying they need something as violent as God of War, but they need something for the mature audience that is exclusive to their console. When the WiiU was unveiled they touted that there were going to be games from lots of 3rd party developers aimed at the mature audience. Outside of a few initial ports of games from other systems like Batman and Mass Effect though, that really hasn’t happened."
Ask for for Microsoft and Sony he said, " I want the exact same thing. I want to know all about their new systems. I want to know when they are coming out, how much they are going to cost, and what the launch games are going to be. I am sick of hearing about what’s coming out in the “launch window” as far as games go. That’s about a 4 month time period. I want to know exactly how much money I am going to have to plunk down on day one to get all the stuff I must have. Also, just like Nintendo, I don’t want them to focus on new services the systems will provide. I want all the focus to be on the hardware and the games.
Besides all the games that have already been announced and shown off a bit already, there are new games being made in certain franchises that I would love to see make some kind of appearance at E3. Dragon Age 3, Rainbow 6, and the new Mass Effect trilogy lead that list for me. I know some info has already come out about 2 of those games, but nothing for a while now. I want more! Some other games I would love to see new entries announced for would be a new Ratchet and Clank, Fallout, and the game that I will most likely be pining for until the day I die, a new Road Rash. As far as Ratchet goes, I mean a real Ratchet and Clank, not a crappy entry like All 4 One or Full Frontal Assault (which still hasn’t been released on Vita like it was supposed to way back in November)."
What are you looking forward to?![]() |
Adam Zimmerman |
From Nintendo, even though they aren’t doing a traditional press conference like Sony or Microsoft, I still want to see a strong showing from them. They have already showed off their “new” hardware with the WiiU and 3DS XL. I don’t want to see them announce another 8 colors for the 3DS or something stupid like that.
"I also don’t want to see them focus on new services or features. All I want from them is for them to address their biggest issue from the last 3 home console generations, which has been a lack of games. Yes they have had their great first party games, but can any of you remember the last great game on a Nintendo console that wasn’t made by Nintendo? Resident Evil maybe? Heck, I would go all the way back to Eternal Darkness. They need games, and lots of them. Of course I’d like to see new titles in their core franchises like Mario, Mario Party, Zelda, etc. I’d also love to see an Animal Crossing game for the WiiU that worked with the upcoming Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the 3DS (check out the review for this game within the next couple of days). Beyond those titles though, I want, and they need, some exclusive new franchise that can compete with the Halo’s, Gears of War’s, and God of War’s of the world. I’m not saying they need something as violent as God of War, but they need something for the mature audience that is exclusive to their console. When the WiiU was unveiled they touted that there were going to be games from lots of 3rd party developers aimed at the mature audience. Outside of a few initial ports of games from other systems like Batman and Mass Effect though, that really hasn’t happened."
Ask for for Microsoft and Sony he said, " I want the exact same thing. I want to know all about their new systems. I want to know when they are coming out, how much they are going to cost, and what the launch games are going to be. I am sick of hearing about what’s coming out in the “launch window” as far as games go. That’s about a 4 month time period. I want to know exactly how much money I am going to have to plunk down on day one to get all the stuff I must have. Also, just like Nintendo, I don’t want them to focus on new services the systems will provide. I want all the focus to be on the hardware and the games.
Besides all the games that have already been announced and shown off a bit already, there are new games being made in certain franchises that I would love to see make some kind of appearance at E3. Dragon Age 3, Rainbow 6, and the new Mass Effect trilogy lead that list for me. I know some info has already come out about 2 of those games, but nothing for a while now. I want more! Some other games I would love to see new entries announced for would be a new Ratchet and Clank, Fallout, and the game that I will most likely be pining for until the day I die, a new Road Rash. As far as Ratchet goes, I mean a real Ratchet and Clank, not a crappy entry like All 4 One or Full Frontal Assault (which still hasn’t been released on Vita like it was supposed to way back in November)."
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Image 1: Accessed On June 5th, 2013 http://techdomino.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/LA-Convention-Center-E3.jpg
Video 1: Accessed On June 5th, 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQq4__8jBrk
Video 2: Accessed On June 5th, 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-61NKRaYjw
Video 3: Accessed On June 5th, 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9D1N-MHwog
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