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By: Gabriel Roderick |
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So it seems that Ps4 is wining the early battle of the console wars!
To every 2 XboxOne pre-orders 3 more Ps4 ones are popping up in the US.
Seems Sony had the best presentation and best day one exclusives.
Save a 100$ and if you're a plus member you'll get Drive Club day 1. That's a 60$ game giving buyers more money to purchase a game along with their console very smart Sony. Or spend a 100$ more day one and get nothing but a console with the XboxOne?
For Nintendo Wii U sales haven't changed much but a spike in 3DS sales after showing many amazing game for it such as a new Mario, Super Smash Bros. and of course Pokemon X and Y most slated for this year.
I was hoping Nintendo would finally reveal cross game play with their new Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. but they didn't which could seriously hurt them in the console race. They remind me of Microsoft for the last few years at E3. Promising more but never living up to it. I hope this is wrong.
Memory comes in a few different sizes:
PS4- 500 GB (usual)
XboxOne- 500 GB that's a huge jump up from their 4GB/250GB/320GB most likely because of having to always be online
Wii U- 32Gb or 8GB the 32 seems the best for 50$ and most of their games becoming available first and online on the eShop.
Price points as they stand
XboxOne- 499.99$
PS4- 399.99$
Wii U- 349.99$ (Deluxe) 299.99$ (Basic)
3DS- 169.99$ (Regular) 199.99$ (XL)
Ps Vita- 299.99$
Release Dates:
All Nintendo Products are already available.
XboxOne - Within the first two weeks of November
Ps4 - Fall most likely the last week of October, early November
I have a strong feeling where going to see some price drops most likely with the Wii U since they beat Sony on handhelds a year ago. And most likely the PsVita drop to 199.99$
You decide, I have a good feeling that the PS4 is the best choice, not have to always be online, used games for the exclusives. Most likely Ubisoft will contribute seeing as they love Sony whereas Microsoft has EA which already charge micro-transactions for everything!
Plus better day ones with the PS4, better price point, unless you are following into all these MMO's coming out then the XboxOne is the better choice because you're already always online and updates seem to go more smoothly for this situation.
E3 Coverage:
So Microsoft took the stage first in the battle of the consoles for this mornings E3. You're Xbox Gold Memberships will carry!
Many great games where shown like Dead Rising 3, Witcher 3 and of course a new Halo. This Halo was just a quick teaser but had some of the best graphics I've ever seen. Other confirmed titles include a NEW Star Wars Battlefront and a game called TitanFall. A Xbox-one exclusive which is made by past members of Infinity Ward, and looks like COD with a Mech twist. COD Ghosts is slated for a release date of November 5th, 2013, so I'm assuming that the console will also be released by then.
**Video 1 Borrowed From Xbox**
Demo plays of Battlefield 4 were shown and of course after a few failed attempts the demo gameplay was shown and well worth the wait. It looks like if you're interested in Battlefield 4, this would be the ideal console to play it on! Looks fresh! The full list of confirmed and unconfirmed and possible dates can been seen on IGN's Website (by clicking the name)
The console is confirmed to be $499.99 and be launching sometime in November. Preorder now before the first allotment is out now at Gamestop!
Ubisoft's biggest title shown was the Tom Clancy's Divison coming out for the Ps4 and Xbox-One, which story seems to be just like the movie Contagion but of course with a Medal of Honor twist. You have a group of soldiers called the "Divison" put in place when everything else fails. Granted it's post pandemic feeding off the paranoia of Black Friday etc... IT could be a prequel to Last of Us. Another cool aspect is using the tablet in order to control air strikes, so you can help out you're friends on the go.
**Video 2 Borrowed From Ubisoft**
The biggest thing is this game is a MMORPG finally one brought to the console which looks great. The interactive feel to it is borrowed from Watch Dogs, giving you the perspective on whats going on, seeing the controls and call outs! Finally it has a true MMORPG and shooter feel.
The Crew a racing game, just like Need For Speed and essentially Fast Five type deal looks great. Everyone has a role, for this racing MMO. It's gonna be great. You will be traveling throughout the US changing you're cars, no realism just arcade and fun. Customizing cars while on you're tablet is a great concept to get them in the game later on.
Sony TIME!
Only 20 minutes past what time they promised us!
New vita games coming, like this summer Telltale Games Walking Dead, 404 days which will be a vita bundle coming with now all 6 episodes of the game. And of course Final Fantasy X and X-2 have been announced for it. One exclusive PS4 game called The Order and looks great, I hate to say it but Van Helsing meets Fuse! Can't wait to see where that goes!
**Video 3 Borrowed From IGN**
February Titles:
Killzone Shadow Falls - Launch Title
Drive Club - Launch Title
InFamous Second Son - Q1 2014
Knack - Launch Title
The Dark Sorcerer essentially resembled the plot twist of Iron Man 3 with the Mandarin. And course from Square Enix we we're offered two amazing trailers, Final Fantasy versus XIII or Final Fantasy XV a whole new adventure! And then Kingdom Hearts 3 which is still IN production. Epic trailers for both, which are exclusives for PS4.
If you need a fix for either now, Final Fantasy XIV will be coming soon and of course Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ONLY on PS3.
Of course more and more Last of Us trailers but a sick Beyond: Two Souls trailer showing a military and whole other side than what has been showed thus far!
Games like Batman and GTA V will have epic exclusives, while Batman's story and new trailer looks amazing still not revealing all the assassin's BUT Joker will in fact be in the game! Also combat and detective skills look epic.
Elder Scrolls Online coming to PS4 as well as PC.
We finally see PS4 and it looks like a giant black wii. The game will in fact play used games with no restrictions!
NO ONLINE needed to play, never need to check in online if don't want to! If you don't connect within 24 hours like Xbox One no worries. All PS+ memberships carry over! Free PS4 titles for Plus members.
What could be better than a slap in the face of Microsoft and end the conference with Destiny. Reminds me of Mass Effect, Halo and other type shooter games. Actually cloud based technology won't start till 2014, US first.
$399.99! NO DATE!?!?! A wise move?
Nintendo's Direct Conference @ E3 2013, starts off very choppy and laggy from their website. After seeing some great features on to connecting better with you're Pokemon it was confirmed that X and Y would be released October 12th, 2013 worldwide!
**Video 4 Borrowed From Nintendo**
A fantastic trailer for Super Smash Bros 3DS and Wii U. Promising two titles and hopefully cross gameplay. The next title shown after buffering every 3 seconds is Super Mario 3D World which looks just like Super Mario RPG and Super Mario 3D Land combined. But with multiplayer. This will be launched in December! Now Mario Kart 8 i.e Mario Kart Inception! Coming Spring 2014.
Now a new Wii Party U, you will indeed a wii u tablet with hundreds of mini games and feature games. They pushed the date back to further notice, along with Wii U Fit to October and December respectively.
The Legend of Zelda Windwaker HD remake looks amazing, the Tingle Tuner portal you can use with MiiVerse so you can get help and the comments will watch on shore to help! Seeing as Gamecube and GBA are now obsolete. WITH a release date of October.
Finally a new Donkey Kong. You have once again two player multiplayer! Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze coming this November. And another trailer of X, which looks like Final Fantasy, Xenoblade and Borderlands 2 all rolled into one.
Stay tune for all the latest news and updates as they become available.
So far in my opinion Sony stole the show while Microsoft and Nintendo definitely lacked in winning over the crowd.
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Sources: (All Rights Reserved)
Image 1: Accessed on June 10th, 2013 (http://techdomino.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/LA-Convention-Center-E3.jpg)
Video 1: Accessed on June 11th, 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLPKIW81wNA)
Video 2: Accessed on June 11th, 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njfj6KwEAfg)
Video 3: Accessed on June 11th, 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icXre05VFx0)
Video 4: Accessed on June 11th, 2013 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvudMu-5kIU)
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