I'll keep this review short and sweet just like the game!
The newest addition into the "Metal Gear" series is truly lacking. And what's it lacking you might ask, well time, difficultly and oh yeah of course the sword that can cut through anything among other things.
Konami did something right with this game when it had some of the most impressive cut scenes BUT that's all the game really is! There are 7 missions for me on the hardest difficulty totaling about 5 and half hours and in that there is maybe 3 hours of gameplay tops. The rests are beautifully crafted scenes with Raiden cutting through and surviving almost near death fights. However when it's the players turn to actually cut something it barely works. Your limited to what can be cut in this linear fashion. And when you're in "Ninja mode" (super speed etc.) and go to slash through fences you fine yourself more less phasing through.
Does anyone else remember the teaser trailer nearly a year ago when Konami showed Raiden cutting through everything?? (Video Belongs to CGR trailers).
The video also shows Raiden easily slicing through his opponents however that's not the case and you'll find yourself doing combos and slicing and dicing enemies to soften them up. This is your typical hack and slash game just like another title to recently come out. Now what was that game called?
Hmm. Oh yeah, "DMC: Devil May Cry" ! This game plays exactly like the new "DMC" game. With hints and jokes to its original series and of course no online play. Leaving the replay value very slim. Unless you are a perfectionist who wants to get S achievements on each mission. The big difference however to this games are your "RV" mode. Throughout the game there are hidden laptops in rooms and achievable missions called "RV" which is specialized missions to play once you complete the game. They are pretty exciting and without them all you really have is your run of the mill hack and slash boring game. However with exciting cut scenes.
Graphically this game fails to please us. The graphics are a 2009 game at best, I was hoping for a 1080p but sadly just 720. The only time you have amazing crystal sharp graphics are in the cinematics and of course in "Ninja Mode" otherwise they look rushed. Especially when you have a look going on at once. When there is fifteen bad guys and just you and it looks like a train wreck. My biggest complaint with the graphics though is the fact that the game is a linear game. SO the scenery should look as crystal clear and perfect as possible. In Metal Gear it's a blurry and not that impressive.
There was only one impressive thing that Metal gear has that was enjoyable are the customization of Raiden's suit. You can change Raiden's appearance add life, learn new moves and even last longer when using your "Ninja Mode". However the most exciting part of the customization is the ability to use secondary weapons. You can add the weapons to the first three bosses. This will give you the ability to use a pole type weapon that can bend and extend. Or a claw that stretch out and grab opponents. And lastly a double swords, which pack a punch. When fighting bosses if you charge up the swords or hit combos you move a hell of a lot slower but it's worth it because you can do double damage. Throughtout the game you will even find rocket launchers, grenades and even boxes to help you even up the score. This is a must have to find seeing as the targeting system is a nightmare especially when fighting enemies that are airborne. Which makes you relay on using rock launchers to blast them out of the sky. Also some of your typical bad guys have jet packs and with the camera angles not supporting you either, I found myself looking at their shadow on ground and JUMPING up to take them down.
Now the boxes of course is for stealth which isn't a must in the game but helps in certain parts. Unless you want to fight 3 huge machines at the same time? Didn't think so, they also serve as a nod for the original games in the series.
Now lets talk about the story. It's a little cheesy not going to lie and is typical. Not many plot twists are involved. You start off guiding a huge political leader then of course the bad guys attack and leave you pretty banged up. This leaves the idea for Raiden to get a new upgraded suit with of course new abilities. The suit would be amazing if the game could support it. The controls are a little sluggish and unless you do the tutorial there is no real reminder. Which get's us back into the story. I'll skip ahead and yes something bad happens to Raiden which causes him to seek revenge, i.e the whole point of the game. And on his quest for revenge he looses his sidekick his sword oh yeah and more importantly Bladewolf. But before he goes he gives you a perfect sword for kicking the main and final bosses ass Armstrong. Who is the reason for Raiden to seek revengeance.
I won't go into more of the story and spoil it, but the controls cause a huge problem and can prohibit you from beating the game. The game doesn't really teach you how to dodge only parry attacks. Which are blocking your opponents attacks no matter how strong. Weak opponents will get dizzy and off balance from this giving you an advantage to kill them. Up until this fight parrying attacks works find with every boss but they never tell you to try something else. IF you only parry attacks with Armstrong who has double your life, you will lose every time. TRUST ME. The only real challenge in the game was trying to beat him until I figured out that I could dodge each one of his attacks. And the most annoying part of this boss is he'll start healing and quickly. You must quickly go into "Ninja Mode" and find his weak spot. (Not going to reveal it.)
*SPOILER* You can actually beat Armstrong without take a lick of damage.
Our Honest View gives, "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance" (2013) 2 out of 5. This game is a lackluster of complaints and definitely not worth 60$. With no online and only a few RV missions 100% this game in under 7 hours is a definite. The controls, graphics, and of course storyline leave us wondering why did we wait so long for this. I mean if Konami wanted to use 3 hours of cut scenes in a game they could have just made a movie. I probably would have thoroughly enjoyed that more than this game.
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By: Gabriel Roderick |
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