Nintendo Wii U Greatest Review
Please follow these instructions from Greatest Reviews On
The Net and you will be ok;
This system want to be your HD TVs best friend and you
should let it.
It wants to be your new high-end universal remote. Let it.
It wants to be your Family Internet hub with its tablet and TV
browser, Hulu, Amazon Instant Video and Netflix. It wants you to use Video chat
and Nintendo TVii.
It wants to be your best gaming experience, trust me and LET
Lets at the very beginning.
Nintendo has been in the home console business for over 25
years with each iteration being more innovative than the last, NES or Famicom
with the now standard D pad, select, start, A and B buttons. The SNES or super
Famicom added the L, R and X, Y buttons now industry standards. The N64 had the
first shipped analog stick and the Gamecube had the wavebird wireless
controller although not shipped with the system was a 1st part
controller that was wireless! SEGA, Sony and Microsoft would later copy these
things. That’s right Nintendo was the first and best! The Wii was obviously an
amazing but cautious step into the world of movement controllers. Nintendo
execs were quoted as saying they could have sold the Wii at $100 at launch and
still made a small profit. It was later mimicked through the Playstation Move,
which flopped, and Microsoft Kinect. A small note to further this the 3DS is
the top handheld in the world and has been consistently against Sony’s
Handheld. Quoting a Sony Rep; “You can’t make a handheld for 300$ (PsVita) and
except Tommy’s mom to buy it when she can buy a 3DS for 170$”
Now here we are at present day and Nintendo has released its
Wii U console, saying the children’s gloves are off as they are going after the
hard core gamer and this looks to be the console to do that.
The system reviewed is the 32gb Black Wii U Deluxe. A very “sexy”
looking and much larger system than the 2006 Wii, it has two front USB ports
and an SD card slot hidden under a tab on the front. The back sports a large fan;
HDMI out and regular AV out for the people still without HD, sensor bar slot
and of course power spot.
This console looks great with the included stand its as it’s
not as bulky as the original Wiis, which did, that crooked stylized thing. The
Wii Us stand reminds me of the PS3 minis stand straight and elegant matched
most TV styles. This is important, as you wouldn’t want to move this system too
often as it obtains scratches and fingerprints quite easily. Just like the
dreaded Xb360 circle scratch however the games lock in much better.
The controller is a hybrid Tablet gaming controller with
front facing camera, mic and NFC chip and motion controls. The screen is about the size of an iPad
mini with 6.2” LCD touch screen.
Visually it seems quirky but after a short play you get the
feeling for it and what Nintendo had in mind with a GameCube controller and DSi
XL mix. The screen is bright and vibrant and looks like it will stand up with
kid play. The touch screen is as responsive as you need it to be for gaming
with virtually any lag with it and the TV.
As a media remote the Nintendo TVii takes down your favorite
tv shows and stations and will basically replace your cable remote. With its
built in guides it finds you your shows with a few touches. Combing DVRs and
other saved shows making life a breeze when you want to watch your recorded
episodes of “Survivor”.
The three video streaming apps act like they would on tablet
but with a second screen, one that made its way with me out on the porch and in
to the kitchen. It apparently can go about 20’ before it yells at you that the
controller has lost its signal.
The built in web browser works great but does not support
flash but like the iPad it support html 5 pages. Sorry no facebook here at
least until an app comes along.
But if your
using a Wii U the Mii Universe is your social media spot!
As a gaming console at launch time it can be hard to say
what will come from the Iii U, with some ports of previously released games and
a few new Big M titles the question is will third parties support. . Graphically
the system can more than hold its own as revealed by Hacker Marcan, the “Wii U
is powered by a Tri-Core PowerPC-based CPU built by IBM. It clocks in at about
1.24GHz. “The interesting thing is that the CPU is based on an out-of order-
design, a processing method that is more efficient. Think iPhone 5’s A5
processor, clocks in a little slower but can run better thanks to some cleaver
design work, they can run at a lower power with lower heat making a higher
speed unnecessary. The other important item is the 550 MHz AMD RV7xx Based GPU.
Sounds Greek to most but take a look at the Wii U’s Garden graphics demo. It
shows what the system is capable of.
For the first time we are seeing the unreal engine running
on a Nintendo console with Batman: Arkham City. The Game runs great for
something that was pretty quickly coded. The frame rate in some instances run
at a high 40s and can dip to mid 20s. However the controller tablet integration
is what makes most games shine. The extra screen clears clutter on the TV
making things like maps or weapon switching in the palm of your hands and very
Nintendo 1st party games will always bring the
goods. The bundled Nintendoland is
a mish mash of mini games with themes from great Nintendo games from the past
and present. Some mini games are single player only showing some different
ideas the team Nintendo have come up with. There is a Mario multi player game
where the player takes the tablet and is chased by others who are using the Wiimotes
using the tv.
BUT don’t go rushing out to trade in your old Wii’s because
your going to want to use all your old Wii accessories on the Wii U. Especially
Wiimotes with built in motion plus since this is a MUST for some of the
Nintendoland games! The player being chased uses only the tablet and has a view
of the entire map while the other player have a limited view. All the games are
simple but fun and show what the game and system s all about.
A few games with huge potential and awesomeness on the Wii U
are; “Sonic & Sega All Star Racers: Transformed”, “New: Super Mario Bros.
Wii U”, “Assassin’s Creed 3”,
“Zombi U” and of course, “Call of Duty: Black Ops 2”. “Sonic” as you can image
is just as good as the original “All Star Racing” and of course having the
additions of playing on the tablet screen and transforming mid game are pluses.
This game is a far answer to why no Mario Kart was released with the console.
What separates the Wii U version from the rest of the consoles is the fact that
with a swipe of the finger you go from playing on the TV to the tablet.
There is not much one can say about Mario except Mario games
are always great. Except this one is incredibly hard and you should play with
more than just yourself. But in extreme cases when you can’t you can also with
the swipe of a finger go from TV to Wii U.
AC3 is probably the best I’ve ever seen. We waited a extra
month from the games original launch on the other consoles so we could test it
out on the Wii U. Controls are user friendly if your using the Wii U Pro
Controller it feels like your playing the game on Xbox. The graphics are
stunning except there is some glitches but I notice this is across all
Blacks Ops is amazing like AC3 Nintendo promised the same
DLC that the other consoles have launching the Wii U into the field with the
big boys. The online for Black Ops is already even broken which is a little
What’s cool about the games we mentioned excluding Mario
these games are across platforms? The difference between Wii U and other
consoles is the fact that you have better graphics, and can also play on the
tablet screen and are not limited to just the TV. PLUS DLC just likes the 360
and Ps3.
Which promises more to come. We were able to sit down with
David Howard a huge Nintendo fan since the original consoles back in the 1980s.
Gabe our editor asked him a series of questions.
Gabe: “Why do you like the Wii U, compared to every other
David: “Seeing as I’ve owned every system the Wii U has the
best mechanics and is the most unique. However Nintendo hasn’t even utilized
the Wii U’s full potential.”
Gabe: “So far what is your favorite game?”
David: “My favorite game thus far is “Scribblenaunts
Unlimited”? Due to the fact that it is truly unlimited compared to the Ds
games. I’ve made Jason from “Friday the13th”, I’ve made Dale Gribble anything I
can imagine can be placed in the game.”
Finally I asked him;
Gabe: “What would you like to see as a Nintendo fan.”
David: “Simple, 3rd party support, return of
classic Nintendo franchises never utilized in the US. And if Ps3 and 360 are
consistently getting HD collections put them on a console where they’ll
actually matter.”
Greatest Review’s gives the Wii U (2012) 5 stars out of 5.
As a gamer I am happy. As a tech guy I am happy. Buy this system and be
pleasantly surprised as how this system transforms its self into your
entertainment hub. Enjoy!
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